A couple quick vids from Halloween.


Jötunn Moderator
VIP Member
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
Halloween was great! I ran into a small problem of none of my help showing up! In anycase heres a little look at what went on.....

I took a couple vids real quick while I was setting up. I havent hidden wires and tacked everything into place but it gives you an idea of a couple of the creatures I had going that night.

First one... a crawling zombie. He is on a motion sensor so he starts up when you get close but then stops when you move away. He's about 4 years old now. A little cobbed together but he was an early experiment.

One of the main attractions.... my demon/witch stirring a cauldron. Ok so it's a large mouse mask but in the dark with the head draped most people think its a devil cause the ears stick up like horns. It's about 8 1/2 feet to the top of the head so it towers over most people. The arms stir the cauldron and the head slowly moves back and forth to look at people on the path. The cauldron is lighted on the bottom to look like coals once it gets dark and there are lights on the inside of the cauldron along with a fog machine to blow smoke out the top so it appears to be cooking.

I have a large fog machine with a chiller setup at the top of the yard. Since it slopes down slightly the fog crawls nicely along the ground all the way out to the road. In the "daytime" vid you can see how it hasn't cooled enough and is starting to rise up.

Another 2 bags of ice and it stayed low to the ground. The cam isnt the best in low light but you should be able to see the blanket of fog as it moves down the yard.

Once I find my still camera ill post up the pics I had.
I am beyond impressed man... excellent work!
It's all handmade. Nothing bought.... other than a couple skulls, motors, sensors, and whatnot....
Looks great...I'd probably enjoy it during the day time...but there is NO WAY that I would go anywhere near your house on Halloween :rotfl:
It's all handmade. Nothing bought.... other than a couple skulls, motors, sensors, and whatnot....

Very Nice Nix!!! I hope to post my vid tomorrow. I've purchased a lot of things but I hope to make more over the next couple of years. I really want a crawling zombie. Your stirring demon is awesome! My front yard is pretty small and I would like to run an aerial figure eight around the two trees in my yard and put 1-2 Axworthy Ghosts flying around. This year sucked b/c we had so much rain and wind.
Sorry for the delay. Here is a basic layout. Due to the bad weather I had 4-5 hours to do two days worth of work. Didn't get to make my coffin, fog chiller, flying ghost messed up, still had 8-10 tombstones to put out, additional window lights, giant spider webs, and only 1 out of 3 fog machines decided to work. However, that didn't really matter b/c it was windy. Enjoy! Next year will be much better. Gonna take some pointers from Nix. :D


Looks good :D man ppl start early there

LOL! Yeah, little girl was freaked out by the voice activated ghost that popped up next to where they got candy. I made a few cry, some wouldn't come up to get candy, and even made 2 adults scream. Trick or Treat was from 6p-8p this year. I had 1,000 pieces of candy, was giving 2 pieces per kid, and only had a little left. Gave out a couple small handfuls at as kids were walking home but I figure we had around 400 kids. We usually get 300-450.