I recommend the five keys to "The Smith System" Its a safety system used alot in the trucking industry and around corporate america. Ive been driving a semi for 10 years and am nearing 1,500,000 safe driving miles and these keys have yet to let me down.

1. Aim High in Steering
Look 15 seconds into your future. (Don’t just look at the vehicle in front of you)
2. Get the Big Picture
Look for Hazards. (Other Motorists, Pedestrians, Vehicle doors opening)
3. Keep Your Eyes Moving
Don’t stare. (Use your peripheral vision)(Stop the fixed habit stare)
4. Leave Yourself an Out
Monitor the space cushion around you and your bike.
5. Make sure They See You
Use your signals- (Directionals, 4-Way Flashers, Head Lights, Brake Lights,
Horn, Hand Signals) Make Eye Contact
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One thing that I have never heard from anyone: When you are on the highway changing lanes, make sure the car two lanes over isn't changing lanes into the same lane as you. If they are, just wait for them to do it first.
Here's a practical system for aiming high. If you find non moving things going by faster than you like to see them, then you're looking to close in front of you..... the best distance to be looking is "Beyond" the fast moving flow of your vision, doing this will allow you more mental time to process what's coming so you aren't in the panic mode.
Don't rely on DRL's or auto headlights - the lighting system is there for you to be seen just as much as it is there for you see. Don't cut the bull nose when merging - its illegal and dangerous. Come to a full stop at stop signs or when making a right on red. People who don't don't have the mindset that somebody may step off the curb in front of them. Never assume other drivers know the rules of the road.
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Since I drive for work every day I figured I would chime in on some annoyances amd safety "no's" I see every day. The left is the "fast" or "passing" lane. It is used to travel faster than the flow of traffic. Don't ride in the left lane going slower than the people behind you. It backs up traffic and raises the chance of someone else having an accident. Always look over your shoulder before changing lanes. Don't rely on your mirrors to see if someone is behind you in the other lane. Turn your lights on 30 minutes BEFORE sunset. Your headlights/tail lights are as much for other people to see you as they are for your visibility. ALWAYS turn on your headlights in bad weather (rain included). Now for my 2 BIGGEST gripes. If you are changing lanes and there is someone behind you in the other lane but there is nobody behind them don't cut them off. Instead slow down and get behind them. I absolutely hate it when people cut me off and there's nobody behind me, I have seriously considered wrecking my company car over this! Next biggest gripe. "Slower traffic keep right" has nothing to with the speed limit. Its about the flow of traffic. If someone is riding your bumper then they obviously want to pass and legally and morally you should move to the right and let them!