Inception Music Makes Any Movie Trailer Better


Toys For Tots
Best Inception Movie Trailer Music Usage:

Snow Dogs


Ace Ventura Pet Detective

The Big Lebowski (nws language warning)

Star Wars

Dumb and Dumber


Toy Story 3

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
It was weird seeing Ghost Busters, and all of the actors from 27 years ago. They look so young compared to today. :hiding:

BTW, is it just me, or does it seem that most (if not all) women do not like the movie Inception?
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  • #5
That would be interesting to know... I know a few who said they liked it. You know some who didn't I take it
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  • #6
Lol this doesn't have inception music, but it's still the same idea

I never knew the shining was a romantic comedy
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  • #8
did any of them say what they specifically disliked?
when they saw the buildings bending in the sky in the trailer... did they think it was, "not far fetched", or based in reality?
I tried to discuss their issues with the movie, but the basis of the movie is dreaming, where generally ridiculous things can occur.

I just gave up. :giggle: