Koenigsegg's One:1 Breaks The Top Speed Record


Toys For Tots

View: https://youtu.be/MVVtGLt50m0

The Koenigsegg's Onehich develops no less than 1360 HP from its 5.0-litre twin-turbo V8, broke three records, crossing the 1.4 mile (2.2 Km) long strip at Bruntingthorpe, in the United Kingdom, with a terminal speed of 240 mph (386 Km/h).

Vmax200 is UK’s premier top-speed driving event, where supercar owners gather to take to test their vehicles (and probably themselves) to the limits, attempting to clock the highest speed at the end of the runway.

With as many kilograms as sheer grunt, the One:1 simply demolished every record at this past weekend’s assembly. The Swedish company said that last time they were present with the carbon-fiber brute at the event, it couldn’t go more than 225 mph (362 Km/h) due to a small wheel alignment issue – making it unsafe for higher speeds.

This time, though, everything went as planned, and while dueling with other contestants Oliver Webb, the World Endurance Championship driver who was at the wheel, clocked 235 mph during a passenger ride. That’s 378 Km/h with a passenger inside the car.