
Rasky is a god. That is all.

Other than that, yeah, that looks like a sloppy job with a razor blade just cutting the pinstripes as quick as possible. If it's not deep enough to catch a finger nail on it can most likely be buffed out to the point you don't really see it. I would remove the pinstriped altogether but if you like them, at least peel them back and buff the whole area around that cut mark.

If it's deeper than a finger nail you will most likely need a repaint or touch up job. Id contact the dealership first and see what they offer. Being nice usually goes farther than being super angry at first, even though I totally would be. See if they will pay to have it buffed out. Don't let their body shop do it. The same guy who cut corners to get the pinstripe job done as quick as possible is the same sort of guy who will do a crap detail job as quick and cheap also. The guys themselves aren't bad, they are just trying to turn an hourly rate to make a buck and hope no one notices. It's a lose lose but hey, take it to the dealer first and see if they won't help you.

If they are *****, I can send you some samples of stuff to try and buff that line out yourself. Learning is great and detailing is a super fun hobby. I love it. Rasky, who does it professionally will probably have some worthwhile input as well. I read his stuff across multiple forums and try to copy what I can in vain. There is something to be said for experience and just plain god given talent.
just don't remove the pinstripe prior to the dealership seeing the damage!
thats rough but they should have no problem seeing error, i know my dealership is pretty good with seeing
and fixing or paying to fix it
Yeah don't skate around something that should be Honda's issue. Take it to the dealer and let them fix it and you could also ask them to remove the pin stripe for you.
Is it easy/safe to remove paint strip yourself without damaging the paint?
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Is it easy/safe to remove paint strip yourself without damaging the paint?
As long as it hasn't been on the car long enough to leave a color variation(time may vary due to exposure to the Sun).
I'd say a year is ok.

You want to be careful at the beginning, as far as lifting the end from the paint not to scratch it, then peel it off. Use a hair blower on it the soften 1st(just warm is recommended).
As long as it hasn't been on the car long enough to leave a color variation(time may vary due to exposure to the Sun).
I'd say a year is ok.

You want to be careful at the beginning, as far as lifting the end from the paint not to scratch it, then peel it off. Use a hair blower on it the soften 1st(just warm is recommended).

i would be worried of fading.... cars 4 months old and if it did the paints really in trouble
That's pretty reckless work by the pin stripe installer. I would agree in seeing if the dealer will fix it first. Otherwise the stripe can easily be removed by heating it up with a heat gun/hair dryer and peeling them off. If any residue is left behind it can be removed with some 3M adhesive remover.

It's hard to tell how deep the cut marks are looking at a pic, but I would guess they can at least be improved to the point where they would be hard to see. Dave Miller is the closest person I know to you and he can definitely take care of you. Tell him Rasky referred you.

TLC Auto Detail (
David Miller
(703) 517-8944
