Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

gyms closed again :sadface:

So is mine. It opened for like 1-2 weeks after it was closed. Now it is closed till Aug 1st. I expect it to stay closed longer than what we were told. :-/ home workout isn't the same as working out at the gym.

I use to go to the gym usually 4 days a week.. but since COVID I haven't been since it started. I do try to walk 2 miles every evening after work.
I use to go to the gym usually 4 days a week.. but since COVID I haven't been since it started. I do try to walk 2 miles every evening after work.

Dude what's a gym

Because I think it’d be impossible to find a whopper and a 40 for $5.45 lol

Okay, so a Whopper is $4.29 with no drink or fries, leaving a little over a Dollar for a 40 oz. I think with enough wheeling and dealing you could find somebody who'd let you bum one for about a buck near the lake.

...Probably at By-Lo Discount Liquors, with the prerequisite of winning a fist fight in the parking lot.
So it clearly varies by location.

Pulled up my closest one.... $5.39 sandwich only without tax. No cheese/bacon or any add-ons. $8.39/combo meal no cheese/add-ons.

went and double-checked around the Metroplex and you're right! The price of a Whopper is non-standard :mad:

But! It is Whopper Wednesday, so they're $2 for a precious limited time. With the extra $3.45, you can get an Olde English 800 and get real hood, lmao

Boy is skinnier than a damn toothpick....

Dear Diary,

Today Nomar noticed my picture and soon, he'll begin to send me free delicious food like the kind he eats on the regular because of his Celebrity Chef Wife. He suspects nothing.

My Efforts will reach fruition soon-- and I'll take up permanent residence in Flavor Town.


Rub-a-dub-dub, Thanks for the grub
spent some time researching crackle pop tunes on youtube this morning. as much as i think its dumb i have to try it out so im going to load a custome tune ( my first ever, even though its just ignition timing and no fuel modifications ) and try it on my way to work this morning.
is that a thing every Wednesday? Never heard of this

The expiration date is a little concerning on this offer, but this summer they've been 2 dollars on Wednesdays near here. You generally have to either use the app or have some sort of coupon representation of this before they accept. It's kinda secret-ish.

Whopper Wednesdays.PNG
crackle tune works. its kind of fun. not sure how long i'll keep it on. cant imagine what it sounds like with a full 3 inch exhaust.