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  1. BitchStewie

    Modified Stock Air Box

    I have a dc short ram on my car and it sounds great, but honestly at times the PCM freaks out at low rpm. ~1,800 rpm in 2-3 at low speeds (definitely bogged down) it will pop and stutter. I cut my lower half of my air box prior to getting the SRI. It had the louder intake noise I'd hoped for...
  2. BitchStewie

    Cold Start "Scraping/Rattle" Noise Grinding Cold Start - VTC Actuator Merged Threads

    Oddly enough, Honda modified their service bulletin at the beginning of March saying they are looking into an updated part to fix this. I've put tons of these in 2.4 motors. They fix it temporarily, but it hasn't previously been a guaranteed fix. I can't wait for them to come out with for the...