Civic emblem


Well-Known Member
Hi there everyone I have an interesting question for you. I want to debadge the Civic emblem from my SI but I've heard of two different stores in Fort Lee... One story says that it's held onto the trunk lid through blue and the other story is that there two holes behind it that are both dead straight to the emblem. Does anyone know for sure if I did take and debadge the emblem will leave a hole? Thank you.
Its just held on by glue or 3m tape it csn be easily tsken off with a little time and elbow grease. At lease on all the debadged civics I've seen & hurd of
Are you just talking about the portion that says civic? Or are you meaning the "H", Civic, and SI emblem?
The "h" has 2 holes. The other badges are held on by adhesive
Use a hair dryer, fishing line, and goo gone. Then its like it was never there!
Yeah I figured that out with my dad this afternoon. Sorry for the delayed update. We were able to take off the emblems and polish the paint. Looks soo much cleaner now. I'll upload a picture soon.
I really want that bumper for my si. Looks more aggresive and nice addition of reflectors
Haha hey thanks for that! Yet if Honda hadn't changed the styling of the 2013 Civic Si to the 2014 Civic Si , unfortunately I might not have been as interested in it even though I love Honda to death like we all do. I'm such a Honda enthusiastic and of course I'm in love with my 2014 Civic Si
Haha hey thanks for that! Yet if Honda hadn't changed the styling of the 2013 Civic Si to the 2014 Civic Si , unfortunately I might not have been as interested in it even though I love Honda to death like we all do. I'm such a Honda enthusiastic and of course I'm in love with my 2014 Civic Si
I almost bought a 2012 TW si coupe when my dad got his 2012 black Si coupe but my work situation was an "on call basis" so i passed on the white and waited. Got my blue coupe 9 months later and lucked out with the upgrades to the 13s. The only thing I would change is the rear bumper cover to a '14 Si because I love the '13 coupe fronts so much. Can't wait for the STI lip to complete the fronts look!!
Glad you enjoy your Si!! Nice you also got a little power boost from upgraded exhaust.
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I almost bought a 2012 TW si coupe when my dad got his 2012 black Si coupe but my work situation was an "on call basis" so i passed on the white and waited. Got my blue coupe 9 months later and lucked out with the upgrades to the 13s. The only thing I would change is the rear bumper cover to a '14 Si because I love the '13 coupe fronts so much. Can't wait for the STI lip to complete the fronts look!!
I mean I'm not going to lie, the 2013 Civic Si coupe look to subtle I look like a civic ex or something if you know what I mean. I love the way they styled the 2014 Civic Si coupe ... This aggressive and bad *** looks like the SI should be They k24z7 engine is strong and torquey...

I'll admit though, I was also looking at the 2015 Volkswagen GTI to but hey the coop isn't out yet and be with sales tax and Uncle Sam in my pocket, it would have been in the low thirties love and I paid in the mid to high twenties for my car for literally everything that I got for it including the extended warranty for driving a lot for work, the lip kit, and the HID low beams. Add on to the fact that I'm a true Honda lover / Honda enthusiastic of course!