Search results

  1. 02civicsi

    telling an 81yr old man, twitter is a search engine

    Best part would be if all the TV station satellites suddenly exploded all @ once, now that would be EPIC
  2. 02civicsi

    what it sounds like to be in an F1 car

    That was pretty cool
  3. 02civicsi

    Man Discovers $45k Stashed In His Attic

  4. 02civicsi

    Child named after Facebook?

    Tattooing these days is out of control IMHO. I have three myself but the **** that people get these days is WTF worthy stuff.
  5. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    That's why you ask them politely if you could plank one of the cars & have a pic taken for a very cool souvenir.
  6. 02civicsi

    Child named after Facebook?

    Of course not but was making an assumption that only idiots in the US would do something like tattoo their childs name on their body.
  7. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    That's more like it
  8. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    Nope, he failed because his body is not flat, it's more like a ^. There is hope for you yet Liz
  9. 02civicsi

    The Mugen CRZ Is Here

    Looks like the typical ball type Mugen shiftknob to me.
  10. 02civicsi

    Child named after Facebook?

    They don't live in America
  11. 02civicsi

    Gas for $1.10 a gallon!

    Like last years birthday, kiss it goodbye forever.
  12. 02civicsi

    Rice Thread

    There is nothing to say because that pic says it all.
  13. 02civicsi

    Gas Prices - what are they where you live now

    Location, location, location
  14. 02civicsi

    The Mugen CRZ Is Here

  15. 02civicsi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    Watch that clock
  16. 02civicsi

    telling an 81yr old man, twitter is a search engine

    Network TV :thumbsdown:
  17. 02civicsi

    The Mugen CRZ Is Here

    Win powerball or lotto on Saturday & that unobtainable fantasy can be realized. There is an RR F/S for about $60k US. I would so move to a country where I am able to drive that car.:vtec:
  18. 02civicsi

    Michigan man still on food stamps despite winning $2M

    You also have to take into account that if you were to take payments then you have to pay taxes on it for the term of the payments. Lump sum is the way to go, pay taxes on it once.
  19. 02civicsi

    Gas Prices - what are they where you live now

    Gasbuddy, get it!