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  1. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    Yeah I know but IDK if people would understand which store I was referring to.
  2. 02civicsi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    How the f#ck do you have leftover D1ckey's?
  3. 02civicsi

    The Mugen CRZ Is Here

    G/L trying to source a set of those beauties
  4. 02civicsi

    Michigan man still on food stamps despite winning $2M

    One would think so but from lottery winners I've seen in the past their take home is anywhere from half to more than 1/3 of the actual prize total. So his telling that more than half going to taxes is believable.
  5. 02civicsi

    sweet music from the Lamborghini Aventador

    Toasted bread on ANY sammich raises it to another level.
  6. 02civicsi

    Michigan man still on food stamps despite winning $2M

    If you really think about it he's just getting to use more of his lottery winnings since the food stamp card is paid for by taxes that he pays.
  7. 02civicsi

    Garden State Honda - Experiences [ONGOING]

    You crazy & agreed that it could be worse.
  8. 02civicsi

    The Mugen CRZ Is Here

    Black GP's for me
  9. 02civicsi

    sweet music from the Lamborghini Aventador

    PB, caramelized banana(done with a torch & sugar) & honey sammich on toasted brioche bread sounds good right about now :drooling:
  10. 02civicsi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    Who art thou? Looks like someone is bored, PJ!
  11. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    Meh, meh, meh Martin needs to go to the truck series already, Logano needs to step up & Stewart has lost his edge ever since putting on that owners hat. Last I heard that the 48 & 88 were sharing a shop together now & the 5 & 24 were in the other. JGR is cool but the driver of the 18 can go...
  12. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    Now I'm impressed :hail: Sadly the driver I like(88) drives for the Evil Empire & shares the shop with the 48.
  13. 02civicsi

    Next iphone rumored to be on sprint and tmobile

    @ the rate that new devces are coming out, once a year is not enough but that's tech for you.
  14. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    Makes sense since the colours & logo are pretty much the same.
  15. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    As long as it's not the 18, 22, 24, 42 or 48 shop then it doesn't matter to me. RCR would be my pick if I had to pick one. Just think it's cool as f#ck you're into NASCAR & you're asian to boot. I still remember my first visit to Daytona & I was the only asian out there but there are more every...
  16. 02civicsi

    sweet music from the Lamborghini Aventador

  17. 02civicsi

    Next iphone rumored to be on sprint and tmobile

    There are fanatics no matter what but the Mac-heads are just over the top. Who flung do, great you have the whatever the f#ck. I will give great amounts of credit to the people who run the advertising department @ Apple for instilling that need Mac-heads have for their products, it's pure genius.
  18. 02civicsi

    Newest Kraze....

    I am SOOO jelly right now it's not even funny. :spazface: Which shop are you going to?
  19. 02civicsi

    The Mugen CRZ Is Here

    White Hondas always pwn