Crossfit anyone?!


Well-Known Member
Holy crap I forgot how amazing crossfit is. I did it for a couple years and stopped for about 8 months. Tonight was my first night back to a crossfit gym, and I wish I had never taken that time away lol.

On that note, does anyone on here crossfit?! Let's take this thread to post times for wod and pr!

If you don't crossfit, use this thread for questions if you have any to ask. It is an amazing lifestyle, anyone can do it because it is just you against yourself!


Well-Known Member
I guess since I started the thread I should post my pr (personal record)

1 rep max lifts
Clean: 255 lbs
Clean and jerk: 235 lbs
Dead lift: 415 lbs
Back squat: 405 lbs
Front squat: 325 lbs
Snatch: 185 lbs
Overhead squat: 190 lbs

Wod best times
I am going to have to find my log book for these if I can dig it up somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Naples, FL
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2013 Civic EX
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There is a place near me that I'm interested in trying. I've never done Crossfit but it seems interesting.

Is $100 per month the going rate for this stuff, for a 2 times a week allowance (this is what I was quoted at this facility)? It seems a bit high compared to a regular gym, especially since Crossfit doesn't have the overhead of all the gym equipment maintenance, nearly as many employees, or the square footage of the property.


Well-Known Member
Yea the gym I go to is unlimited access for 150 a month. It all depends on where you live and how many people go there. It's by far the best workout you will get hands down. There isn't much equipment needed, but crossfit trainers are expensive to pay as an employee.

A couple of things to check. Make sure you ask what level crossfit certified they are, and where they received their certs from. If there is an intro to Olympic lifting that they offer. I highly suggest doing this to reduce injury on lifts. Also what type of mobility training do they do. This helps your joints and such lol! It's expensive yes but give it a try, that's what I did years ago. I may have taken some time off. But I will always crossfit!

If you have any questions feel free to ask
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Well-Known Member
Naples, FL
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2013 Civic EX
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Their site says level 1 Crossfit coaches. Is that a tier system where 1 is the highest or a 1-x system where 1 is only enough to say "Hey I'm a Crossfit coach"? I really can't imagine it mattering at my level of physical fitness. I haven't exercised in years, lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol well crossfit at 2 days a well will be plenty to start with then. Level one is your normal "box" (crossfit gym) you just want to be sure they can provide those certs when you go in. Also ask them if you can watch a class or work with a coach to see if it's something you want to do. Personally I love it, it's changed my life. I suffer from ptsd from military service. This has really helped me with some of my personal issues. You will work so hard you will feel high or drunk on endorphins. It makes you feel so accomplished after each "wod" workout of the day.


Well-Known Member
New Brunswick, Canada
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Civic Si w/Navi
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I'm not hardcore, but I do crossfit twice a week. That said my max weights are also much much lower than yours!

1 rep max lifts
Clean: 110 lbs
Clean and jerk: 105 lbs
Dead lift: 185 lbs
Back squat: 130 lbs
Front squat: 125 lbs
Snatch: 70 lbs
Overhead squat: 65 lbs (this lift is my nemesis... I REALLY struggle with form and balance so it was been keeping my weight down until I can get it right)

And Velox, yes it is pricey. I pay $90/month where I go (allows me to go up to 3 times/week). But I really enjoy it most days! Not so much last week when we had to do 200 burpees though, lol.


Well-Known Member
Heck Yea you go! Nice numbers, keep it up! I also hate the overhead squat so much lol and wall ball! Work on your shoulder mobility, that helped me a ton with ohs! Yea 200 burpees, that made me hurt just reading it lol