DIY 2012 Civic SI Tail Light Overlay DIY


Well-Known Member
Required Hardware & Materials:
1 Quart Spray Bottle
Hear Gun or Hair Dryer
1 Bottle of Soapy Water
X-acto Knife or Razor Blade
Your Choice of Colored tint

1. Mix water and a few drops of dish washing soap or shampoo in a spray bottle.
2. Use the mixed solution to thoroughly clean the surface of the lights, being certain to remove all grease, wax, tar and dirt.

Step 1:
Wet your fingers thoroughly with the soapy solution. It is important that you DO NOT touch the exposed adhesive surface of the kit with dry fingers. Handling the adhesive side of the vinyl with dry fingers and/or hands will leave marks that will not go away.

With hands and fingers wet, remove the backing paper and immediately spray the exposed adhesive side of the vinyl thoroughly with the solution.

Step 2:
Spray you vehicles lens with the solution, Apply the vinyl to the lens and use your fingers to position the vynil to smooth piece onto the lens from center out.

Step 3:
Then spray the vinyl and use a squeegee(your fingers may be used) to force the solution out along the edges of the piece by using firm, continuous strokes, from the center out.

Step 4:
On contoured surfaces, the adhesive will sometimes not stick to the lens immediately. In this case, use the head gun or hair dryer to gently heat the vinyl. This will soften the vinyl and allow you to pull and stretch the vinyl around the contours of the lens.

This will also help activate the adhesive and evaporate the moisure allowing for better adhesion & contouring of the material.

*This step may need to be repeated a few times to achieve desired adhesion to contoured surfaces. Be patiend with the vinyl.*

DO NOT over heat the vinyl it only needs to be warmed.

Step 5:
Trim the excess vinyl (if any) using your knife or Razor Blade or discretely tuck the excess vinyl around the edges.

If you see any big bubbles then just lift the vinyl back up, spray with the soapy solution and start to squeegee.

You can also remove bubbles using your thumb to apply pressure from one side of the bubble and with your knife punch a small hole on the other side of the bubble. Force the bubble out with your thumb. '

sorry i have no step by step pics
i can try to take and upload some pics when i get some free time.





*i wasn't sure if i wanted the whole thing tinted red or partially red.
therefor i left the right side half tinted.
i think it gave it a EDM fog light look? :giggle:

feedback for having the whole things tinted red or half tinted is much appreciated. :think:
thanks guys. which one do you guys like better. the all red or the partial red only???
it takes the camry look off lol
you should have someone put the car in reverse and take a pic for a comparison
there are diferences between the 2012 and 2013 sedan tails.... they will not work.
yea i am thinking of just buying the overlay by the foot from graffix and making my own

(thats what they said to do lol)
yep ^ or, wait until they get a test car in CT for them to do sizing. Who knows how long that'd be though.
im doing this soon on my coupe and im going half tint because im worried about the reverse lights