Gas Prices - what are they where you live now

just filled up 1 min ago!

It stopped by itself @ this!! Cool


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Senators Who Voted To Protect Oil Tax Breaks Received $23,582,500.00 From Big Oil

In a 51-47 vote, 43 Senate Republicans and four Democrats filibustered to protect $24 billion in tax breaks for Big Oil. Although a majority voted for Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D-NJ) bill, it fell short of the 60 needed. The only two Republicans to break rank were Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME).

A Think Progress Green analysis shows how oil and gas companies have funneled cash to the same senators who protected its handouts:

– The 47 senators voting against the bill have received $23,582,500 in career contributions from oil and gas. The 51 senators voting to repeal oil tax breaks have received $5,873,600.
– The senators who voted for Big Oil’s handouts received on average over four times as much career oil cash as those who voted to end them.
– Overall, Senate Republicans have taken $23.2 million in oil and gas contributions. Democrats received $6.66 million.
– Since 2011, Senate Republicans have voted seven times for pro-Big Oil interests and against clean energy three times.

some top paid users -
McCain, John (R-AZ) $2,870,491
Hutchsion, Kay Bailey (R-TX) $ 2,223,271
Cornyn, John (R-TX) $1,877,550

full list of senators and how much they've taken from oil -
the problem with Bills (in general) is that a single bill can contain an Oil tax as well as money going to breast cancer research and money going to the nation's education system. No matter how people vote, they are going to get lambasted.
so it's ok they get paid millions to vote in favor of a 24 billion dollar tax credit for big oil? Pretty awesome deal for oil companies. Pay out 24 million to users, and get 24 BILLION in return.