Honda Patents Advanced Window Tinting


Toys For Tots
Advanced Honda Window Tinting Patent Shown


The Japanese marque Honda recently patented an advanced self-tinting window, which is touch-sensitive and could be used on any vehicle, reports Auto Guide.

The window works when a user touches it and drags their finger down to a desired point, tinting only that section of the window. Alongside being a massive convenience to adjust the tint when required, this could spell the end of flip-down sun visors, as it could be used on a vehicle's windshield.

Potentially the only downside of the self-tinting window is that it can only be altered when the vehicle is stationary.

Nevertheless, the idea is certainly intriguing but it isn't yet known if or when Honda will make it a reality.

I wonder how they'll get around window tint laws that vary from state to state.
Cool concept but I imagine using your finger to adjust the level is going to leave some kind of fingerprint/smudge. If that's on the windshield it would drive me nuts, especially if its in my immediately visible area like where the sun visor would be.