Microsoft's New Xbox: Live From the Unveiling

xbox live just seems more user friendly with party chat and yeah i like ps too but xbox has more of my attention so its preordered though my xbox live account so the day it comes out ill get charged for it and will be at my door too so i allready called that day off from work because ill be out side sitting in the car waiting for it lol
I think the 24 thing is being changed but that really dont bother me because thats so we dont ever have to deal with updates ever again so all updates will be done while its off....but the used games parts is so bogus man and backward compatibility kinda upsets me too .

And i would just flip the kinect around when not in use
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So is it really true that the kinect would always be on with xbox1? Who is watching then? Big brother?
I dont even have a kinect for my 360 but I think having it on 24/7 sounds really weird. I mean i dont want people to watch me play halo in my underwear :(
you guys are really worrying about big brother when we all have smart phones ....what you think big brother isnt listening in on us ??? they been doing that for the longest.
I bet Gamestop was happy to hear MS changed their mind about used game support,It probably would've hurt them pretty bad since they make assloads of money from used game sales.
Im sure you dont need it to control the xbox or live it just makes it more convienient i keep mine disconnected now and just use the controller and when i play a kinnect game then i plug it in .
Needs to be connected-

Microsoft is sticking with the Xbox One's requirement that Kinect be plugged in despite ditching its controversial DRM policies.

As it stands, Kinect must be connected to the Xbox One for it to work. When offline it listens for the "Xbox on" voice command, which activates the console.
:eek: Whaaaaaaaaaaa ! Thats wierd. Man my kinnect is gonna face the wall then because im not feeling that
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