Modded 9th Civics Around the World

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<div class="fb-post" data-href="
" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="
">Post</a> by <a href="">Pong Sena</a>.</div></div>
I gotta hand it to you Pauly. Your dedication to this thread is admirable. I enjoy all the pics. Even the really weird ones. Lol.
Thanks Panda. Good to know people appreciate it. :)

They are all R18s over there so I feel like it's keeping me up to date on things for my car. :D
One thing I was thinking earlier was that in North America everyone complains about not having the Type R. I can just imagine what they say in Thailand etc. about not having the Type R nor the Si. Although, many drop Turbos in their R18s and end up being as fast or faster than the Si.