Rear deck rattling from bass


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have this problem? If you have audio bass turned up, you can hear rattling on the rear deck by the third brake light.
Yea I have this as well. On mine its from the stock sub in the middle of the deck. If I hold pressure on the plastic cover it stops or if I hold pressure on the magnet of the sub from the trunk it stops. The sub nicest the entire rear deck, even the sheet metal its mounted to :(
in my 8th gen civic, i found the torsion bars that support the trunklid also rattle when the music is turned up. i haven't put in subs like I had in my 8th, but i'm pretty sure the 9th has the same issue. i used an old rag wrapped around both of them in the center to kinna damp the vibration. it worked well for the most part.
Mine does this as well, a slight rattle before amp and sub upgrade and a huge rattle now. It is defintly coming from the back subwoofer in my Si. Like Bulkybear said above with a little bit of pressure on it , it goes away.
Mine doesn't rattle with my aftermarket sub. Only when I have the stock sub hooked up.
At first I thought it was the plastic access doors on that panel but the rattle seems to be coming from between the sub and the right rear speaker. I have read taking this panel off is job in itself so I may just live with it.
I did something like this with mine. Worked pretty good. Didn't completely eliminate it but its nowhere near as bad as it was.

So I went out to the car with a handful of quitters (socks that don't stay up anymore) to stuff in the holes and could not find one big enough to get one through. Is there a DIY on taking the back panel off. I am considering using dynamat for the trunk to get that pure sound.
I have the same exact problems! I guess I am beginning to discover that there a few little quirks that honda missed with our 2012 si's. TBravery it's not the trunk itself that seems to be rattling it just seems to be one piece of plastic, such as the speaker cover, that rattles when the bass is turned up.. I am going to try and maybe put a little electrical tape around the base of the cover to see if the helps. A little bit of a "hick rig" I know but I am not sure what to do. I'll keep you updated and post a video if it works.