Tokyo Auto Salon 2012

not bad at all.. some of the extreme camber I shake my head at though
yea the sometimes the negative camber stance can get a little out of hand. I think a "tiny" bit of negative camber where it's barely noticeable does have a decent look on some cars. (I mean very little) It seems like the trend is to go over the top though to the point of looking broken.

I saw a pic once of someones camber so crazy I think they broke the wheels off of the axle. It looked like the transformed version of the Back to the future DeLorean. I can't possibly imagine it being mechanically possible to have negative camber that extreme (who knows though, maybe someone found a way to engineer a cv joint and axle to lay out 90 degrees??)

wish i could find that picture that truck with it's 4 tires laying flat on the ground... it was amusing..... cant find the one I am talking about.

This is a good example of camber getting "way to extreme" though.



lol ok this one made me laugh.. broken cv joint / axle probably... "It's EXTREME!!!"

I really am not negative camber hater (I know there is a ton of sub cultures in the car world). I can handle 5 degrees done just for "looks" but much more than that it starts to get silly to my eyes.The only way this could be awesome to me is if they could fly around like the Back to the Future Delorean and have hover jets coming out of the bottom.

I think usually 1-2 degrees of negative/positive camber is the typical range people use to avoid uneven wear. Much more than that you will be going through tires quite a bit.