Walmart Partners With Ford For Driverless Deliveries


Toys For Tots
Walmart Chases $1 Trillion B2B Autonomous Delivery Market



It may not be that far into the future before walmart delivers your groceries or online purchases to your door in a driverless Ford vehicle.

Business to consumer is a complex implementation for autonomy that will come with time, but business to business just makes it easier because you get volume and you can be more predictable,” chief executive of Ford’s autonomous vehicles unit Sherif Marakby recently said.

Companies are said to be slowly favoring the use of robo-vans for early autonomous vehicles rather than introducing self-driving taxis due to skepticism from the public about such vehicles.

The American Trucking Associations reports that there are currently 60,000 unfilled long-haul trucker positions across the country and as online shopping continues to boom, retailers such as Walmart are looking for effective ways to simplify the delivery process.

As the robo-vans used by Walmart only go from warehouse to warehouse, they follow a fixed route over and over, reducing the risks of incidents.
I would want a defense missle system to shoot down any object spying up to orbit height! Russia has these the 400 model and a new 500 coming out soon. It can hit these spie's. NSA continues to spy on phone calls in USA. :shadyhat:
I’m sure our government would love their civilians having surface to air missiles.
Hyper sonic missiles could be made by any hobbist who has the plans-no warhead needed.
maybe not ! I kid in high school built a nuclear reator a while back and it worked maybe. Some russian rockets have so much tech that us is shocked to see they acttally work.:eyebrows: