What Does Your Username Mean?

Varoga was the name of a band I was in in high school. I came up with the name and have continued to use it.
My name has been with me since the end of high school. Flippercon is because I am half Filipino and half Irish. My buddies in my senior year of high school called me this because I was the only asian kid in school with red facial hair. So flipper for the asianess and con for leprechaun. I know they can't spell but it stuck.

i thought you were a dolphin in prison (get it... come on... get it!?)
Mine is my license plate S2KJAY which is S2000 which I used to own Ave Jay, which is my Nick name.
Every time I see s2kjay, I think of a friend of mine...

I teach elementary school, and most of my students can't pronouce my last name properly... so a lot of them tend to call me Miss E, but it always blends together and sounds like Missy. Hence the name :tongue:

I thought your first name was Misse just pronounced Missy :giggle:
Since jrotax101 didn't do this (hopefully I get this right.)

Jrotax (Pronounced Jay-Rotax) stands for Junior Rotax. Robert used to race karts competitively a lot when he was younger in England. He later moved up to Senior Rotax but his nickname was Jrotax and it always stuck.
101 was his racing number and a long time special number for many generations in my family.
The username has always been his special thing...I just kinda attached myself to it.

Mrs is obvious and needs no explanation.
Used to be 9g_2nr, short for 9th gen tuner - but that was too much like dsm_2nr, the name I used to go by when I had my 4G63 DSM. Now it's just my car's chassis code and first name :thumb:
FooBird, although I bill it to be due to the legend of the Foo Bird jokes told, it's actually from the Count Basie song Flight of the Foo Bird, which was performed back in 1999 by the jazz band I was in. I was baritone saxophone and during the beginning of the song, the part was pretty prominent and I was damn good at it (super easy part :)). So the lead trumpet player started calling me Foo Bird. Used it ever since.