Winter Prep.


Well-Known Member
Nova Scotia, Canada
Vehicle Model
Honda Civic Si
Body Style
Hey guys and gals! Just wondering what you guys all do to prepare your cars for the winter months? (Based on climate, snow coverage, salt/sand use etc.) Can be anything from engine prep. , detailing and care, to general maintenance. The more info the better!
Since I opened this thread I will start.
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Climate: Cold
Salted Roads
Coastal Community (Salt Water)

1. Undercoating (and or touch ups)
2. Wax - Through cleaning before season hits and a good quality Hard Wax
3. Wheel Prep - Change over to winter tires (Michelin X-Ice) on factory SI Alloys, Clean Wheels and seal with wheel sealer and wax. (Helps with oxidization)
4. Weekly regimen of cleaning - This includes inside and outside the vehicle AND underneath! (Need to keep salt off the body)
5. All Season Mats are a must
6. Oil Change and Battery test (I do not want that going dead at -35/-40)
7. Emergency Kit in trunk (Shovel, Shingles*...I'll get to this in a moment, Blanket, Flares)

*Shingles can be one of the best things to have in your trunk in the winter as they are not as heavy and bulky as sand or cat litter plus when you lay it on the snow and ice it has a surface area and will compress what snow is down so your tires will not spin as much in loose snow. Plus they are cheap and everyone seems to have a few of them kicking around. Saved my butt a few times from being stuck (Not in the Civic, of course. Actually in a CRV)

Hope this helps!
I lock my car in the garage until February, I'd say that's the best winter prep for your car lol
^good suggestions though. I never thought about shingles, I like that idea.
Well sad but true, Winter is upon us. Just figured I'd compile a list of things I keep in my car when the snow season is upon us.

In on particular order....

-Fresh buff and paste wax. (for that extra protection before its too damn cold to wax)
-All season mats, like weathertech, keep the carpets looking good. and make clean up easier. Salt sucks
-Make sure your battery is good.
-Keep jumper cables in the car, Even a brand new battery can struggle in sub zero temps.
-Keep your windshield fluid topped off. And keep an extra bottle in the trunk. Because when you need it during a storm, so does everyone else. And it sells out.
-Fresh windshield wipers. The only thing more sucky than driving in snow, is not being able to see while driving in snow.
-Keep a shovel in the car, small foldable one. Because you never know when you might need it.
-Snow squeegee like this: (works 100x better than a brush and faster too. Safe on paint)

-Windshield Ice scraper.
-GET SNOW TIRES. Don't be cheap. Snow tires can save your life or someone elses. Will also make your life easier. Because you'll be stuck in the snow less.

-If you're keeping your coilovers on during the snow..... cover them with some kind of protective spray. Salt will destroy the threads on aluminum coilovers quickly.

-Make sure your TPMS system is in good order (no lights on dash) if your TPMS system is faulting. You won't be able to turn off traction control. It's real hard to get unstuck in snow without being able to spin the tires some.

-Cell phone charger
-check spare tire air.
-Blanket and maybe some of those warm hands pouches. In case your car breaks down and help is hours away. (unlikely) but itll be nice to bundle up if the car doesn't run.

That's about all I can think of. Feel free to ad to the list. It's always nice to share ideas.
I'd also keep a sleeping bag in the trunk. Perfect when you get really stuck and passengers love to use it as a blanket on the way home from a long day at the slopes ^_^.

A bottle (you know those salt jugs?) with 20% salt left mixed in with grit (sand and pebbles) will save you a lot of shoveling on slushy / icy days getting up / down the drive way. That and if you happen to park on an incline, sprinkle some around the wheels like some exorcism ritual because the car will move on ya XD.

Oh and flares... the type you shoot in the air. Ground flares won't hurt either.
Snow tires are awesome! It's great to be able to keep up with the WRX guys in the snow. (If they still have summer tires on!) hahahaha.
My studded snows always been a must. I keep up with the truck on the highway in snow storms. While all the other small cars barely going 30.
I regret getting all-seasons. My chassis brace and front tie bar are coming off this week too so I can put the undercover back on. Terrible handling in the dusting of snow we had last night... If my sister-in-law doesn't take her winter tires with her when she moves out next weekend, they're mine. If that happens I'll get summer tires for my Koseis.
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Yeah, you definitely need snow tires in the NE. The rubber compound is different as well as the tread design. Helps them maintain traction even if its not snowy but just really really cold. All seasons and especially summer tires can turn into hard blocks of plastic when the temps are super low.
Pull the battery and do a fluid flush/change in spring when she leaves the garage again.