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  1. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: DAMN ITTTTT!!!!!
  2. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    JR!!!! Git-R-Dun!!!!!
  3. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    Oh f#ck, caution flag. Blow it up 48, LOL
  4. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    Pack it up 18 & take your 32nd finish. Bah bye
  5. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    F#ck you Kyle, f#ck you!!!
  6. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    F#ck you Kyle, f#ck you!!!
  7. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    Arrrggg, you lucky motherf#cker!
  8. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    F#ck no! That bastard f#ck keeps jumping the restarts, that's why he gets away like that. I've yelled obscenities during an entire race @ that bastard @ Daytona.
  9. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    Been giving that f#cker the 1 finger salute
  10. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    Rookie mistake but f he had a spotter then he deserves half the blame for losing the race. If he would have backed off a bit then he would have encountered that backmarker on the front straight to take the checker. The sun is setting now & the cars are going to get faster soon. Let's see who...
  11. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    NOONE tells the Juggernaut what to do unless you're my boss & the last pic I've seen of you don't look like him. Side by restarts @ the Indy 500, a first & great addition. Veddy much exciting.
  12. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    In less than 5hrs until the great day of racing starts.
  13. 02civicsi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    It's ok it's just a Snickers bar.
  14. 02civicsi

    The NASCAR Thread

    Keselowski takes pole for the 600, I can't wait for Sunday. Monaco F1 race, Indy 500 & finish the day with the 600. :pinkdomokundance:
  15. 02civicsi

    What TV Shows Do You Watch???

    Beyond SportsCenter, racing(primarily NASCAR until NFL football returns in the fall) & River Monsters I don't follow any network tv shows.
  16. 02civicsi

    Cute animal videos and pics thread :D

    I see your kitten & raise you a panda
  17. 02civicsi

    Kyle Busch busted doing 128 mph in a 45mph zone while test-driving Lexus LFA

    He's still a d-bag when it all comes down to it. He apologized, I'll show him apology accepted by kicking him on the mouth.
  18. 02civicsi

    Moody men 'more attractive' than happy men

    Exactly the point I was making & nice to hear it being said by a woman.
  19. 02civicsi

    What Albums or Songs are you Listening to?

    IDK why the vid is shot in the Garden but it's the only one I could find where the song wasn't sped up.