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  1. ErckleSi

    Photos Official Put a face to your screen name

    Here's a more recent photo, me at work lol
  2. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    If I where you I wouldn't go nitrous but that's just me lol
  3. ErckleSi

    323's Build

    I like my rims and get lots of complements on them
  4. ErckleSi

    323's Build

    Yeah first ones dude
  5. ErckleSi

    323's Build

    A '12 with '14-'15 rims would look intresting
  6. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    Haha nice bro! Your lady is pritty lucky to be driving the si [emoji12] shes gonna have to have her racing shoes on in this car hahaha And dang if u go turbo this sh!t it gonna be untouchable lol
  7. ErckleSi

    Christian12's black FG4 Build

    I got a buddy that lives in w/p that I'm gonna go see in the summer. We should meet up and if we are both boosted by then we could have a lil fun. If your down for it
  8. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    Yeah dude I was leaning more towards a dmax lol. The farm boy in me is telling me to go back to my roots and get a dmax. But after I tvs supercharge my car [emoji3]
  9. ErckleSi

    Christian12's black FG4 Build

    I feel ur pain about the weather I'm from saskatchewan lol
  10. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    Yeah dude iv been looking at 8th gens lol I can decide if I should get a 06-07 Duramax or an 8th gen lol And can't wait for the pics
  11. ErckleSi

    8th Gen Sonic's Slow Build (Warning FA5 Inside)

    That sux dude it was -30°c here all last week but this week is all around 0°c so I can finally hit Vtec again lol
  12. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    Man ur making me wanna go out and finace another si (8th gen) and do a mugen or type r convo and slap a kraftwerks kit under da hood. Dem heated seats are wonderfully on cold *** dayz
  13. ErckleSi

    8th Gen Sonic's Slow Build (Warning FA5 Inside)

    Noice how's the weather?
  14. ErckleSi

    8th Gen Sonic's Slow Build (Warning FA5 Inside)

    Either way you got a sweet gig man. Do you work on specific cars or all kinds?
  15. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    Nice man!
  16. ErckleSi

    kseriescivic's path to S/C !

    Cars sweet dude! May I make a suggestion tho if you wanna go the kraftwerks rout maybe you should wait on the intake since the kraftwerks kit comes with its own special intake. That's my 2¢
  17. ErckleSi

    5SK's 8th Turbo R18

    So this was ur r18. Sick!
  18. ErckleSi

    8th Gen hello from a 8th gen owner.

    Cars gonna be sick when the motor is all done !
  19. ErckleSi

    8th Gen Sonic's Slow Build (Warning FA5 Inside)

    Noice man! Maybe you can use the shop to mod ur car at no extra cost!