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  1. ac3jason

    Is paying 450 usd for labor on installing tein street advance coilovers too much?

    I heard no more than 200. Is good. And if ur payong 250 they better be a pro
  2. ac3jason

    Is paying 450 usd for labor on installing tein street advance coilovers too much?

    @webby my other friend said hed do it for 250-300... the guy I want to get it done with is charging 450
  3. ac3jason

    Is paying 450 usd for labor on installing tein street advance coilovers too much?

    Someone told me hed do it for 250-300 is 450 too much or is that fair
  4. ac3jason

    Reckless driving

    Ive gotten choked and the back of my head slammed on my dads van for telling a cop to stay out of a conversation I was having with my girlfriend. I said that to him because I asked my girlfriend a question and he answered it for her. Then he continued to squeeze into my pressure point around my...
  5. ac3jason

    Reckless driving

    maybe... every time they have ever stopped you has saved you from getting into a fatal car accident you were supposed to be involved in
  6. ac3jason

    Some help for choosing wheel and tire sizes.

    @Nix and offset is the degree/angle at which the wheel sits on the car?
  7. ac3jason

    Maryland Spotted Thread

    @bootyluvr rename it to "The Adventures of BootyLuvr"
  8. ac3jason

    Maryland Spotted Thread

    When: july 14 Where: Germantown road What: 90s civic si Hatch blue, exhaust, sexy rims, dropped. Raped me in a race
  9. ac3jason

    Maryland Spotted Thread

    When: multiple times a week Where: Germantown road What: 2015 civic sedan black (my twin) Driver: middle eastern kid around 18-21
  10. ac3jason

    Some help for choosing wheel and tire sizes.

    what do those numbers on the tire mean? 225/45/17 for example... Also what do the letters around the tread wear mean example: 500 tread AA A..... ALSO what would the ideal tread wear be for someone who just likes to speed? not track or official racing but good enough to go fast. My stock tires...
  11. ac3jason

    Side mirror side swipe

    Hope all is well. Could've been worse. Alwayd helps to say that
  12. ac3jason

    Side mirror side swipe

  13. ac3jason

    Ridiculous Rides!

    And they still left the phone number