i still love it, as long as i dont look at how hard mine and really all EVs are depreciating right now. But i get its really only a good option if you have cheap or free charging at work, or the ability to charge at home. I'm gearing up to do another road trip well beyond the single charge range...
dunno about Canada but PA makes it actually difficult to pay your equivalent road tax since since im not putting gas in the car. I spent 40 min looking for the form and where to send my mileage report and failed to find either. I'll happily pay an equivalent road tax if they make it possible to...
Cant get into the fancy philly restaurant Zahav, but i can copy chef Michael Solomonov's recipes, pita and Hummus Tehina, plus it goes great with the olive oil I was recently gifted
pot of gumbo for superbowl