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  1. ethlar

    Security Cameras (Home Setups)

    I started swapping out Blink cameras for UniFi G5
  2. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    i think it identifies as a paycheck
  3. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    but he needs to maintain an image...
  4. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    i just wandered around the neighborhood but theres too many trees to see the comet
  5. ethlar

    What are you having for dinner?
  6. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    I saw something about that. Ive started carrying a key again cause the phone as key has made me wonder if it was gonna work a few times lately. Everyone figures the 2 isnt going to get anything from this, the platforms basically end of life between age and being built in china
  7. ethlar

    What are you having for dinner?

    depends on how much time you have and what style
  8. ethlar

    What are you having for dinner?

    Yes! Come to the dark side of easy smoked meats!
  9. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

  10. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    no video? theyre goofy in a bird feeder
  11. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    you know with the front trunk and rear trunk they have surprising amount of baked goods transport space but engines in the wrong spot, no active aero, and not german engineered
  12. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    I’m open to either, but i made the mistake of test driving a boxster with the top down and i feel like i want that kind of thing in my life
  13. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    Im currently window shopping for a very late 986 or early 987, the plan is to pull the trigger if the "right" one pops up between now and the spring assuming a house issue doesnt pop up. As a daily the Polestar is great, but I'm missing engine sounds and shifting gears. already doing some reading
  14. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    have you been reading my journal?
  15. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    Living the dream... the same old work crazy as always
  16. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    with all the design in building the house did you have them do any pre wiring for a generator?
  17. ethlar

    Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

    hope the storm doesnt cause too much trouble
  18. ethlar

    Bring a Trailer

    i wish at least three of those miles were a ridiculous smoky burnout
  19. ethlar

    What are you having for dinner?

    all that detail in description and no pics?