this bolt. but i cant remove this since it already has so many connections by dealer. but i will be removing the bolt in adexternal pic.
first pic is mine (the closet from fusebox ) and second is @ADExternal (the bolts which are behind hood realeaser ) so i have to take the kickpanel off to...
which are you referring it to webby. if the other tester than it mostly need to be used for home wiring and stuff since you can clip in on lets say you got 6-7 wires open and you clip it to one of them and test the other 6 wires if there are 7.
now im mostly ready still waiting for @ADExternal...
@webby @ADExternal so i went back to walmart and found me a nice old man who has prior experience in fuse stuff and said damn son you got the wrong thing lol... my face dropped lol that tester was not suppose to work in cars he said and pointed me a new one and he and i tested it and i found...
its kinda just like that attach cables to fusebox and ground wire to bolt or something but how do i actually access that pic at step 6? like what i need to take out or to do to get to that step?
hello i just bought a dash cam and comes with hard wire kit complete and it looks pretty simple to install and i wanted to try to install it but im little unknown on how to remove dashboard or access fuse box inside the car. since local installer wants @75 bucks for 2hrs which is kinda bull:(...