6-Year-Old Handcuffed After Throwing Tantrum


6-Year-Old Handcuffed After Throwing Tantrum

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. - Police in Georgia handcuffed a kindergartner after the girl threw a tantrum and the police chief defended the action.
The girl's family demanded Tuesday that this central Georgia city change policy so that other children aren't treated the same way. They say the child was shaken up by being put in a cell at the police station.

Salecia Johnson, 6, was accused of tearing items off the walls and throwing furniture in an outburst Friday at Creekside Elementary School, Macon television station WMAZ-TV ( http://on.wmaz.com/HPb7nr ) reported. Police said the girl knocked over a shelf that injured the principal.

The school called police. The police report says when an officer tried to calm the child in the principal's office, she resisted and was handcuffed. The girl was charged with simple assault and damage to property.

Police Chief Dray Swicord says the department's policy is to handcuff people in certain situations.

"Our policy states that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol vehicle is to be handcuffed in the back and there is no age discrimination on that rule," Milledgeville Police Chief Dray Swicord told WMAZ.

The girl's aunt, Candace Ruff, went with the child's mother to pick her up from the police station. She Salecia was by herself in a holding cell and complained about the handcuffs.

"She said they were really tight. She said they really hurt her wrists," Ruff told the Associated Press. "She was so shaken up when we went there to pick her up."

Officials at Creekside Elementary did not immediately return calls Tuesday.

"We would not like to see this happen to another child, because it's horrifying. It's devastating," Ruff said.

Article from: http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/news/local_news/6-year-old-charged-after-throwing-tantrum
Marla teaches at an elementary school, where they are not allowed to lay one finger on a kid there. Parents are so crazy these days about taking actions against a school for any little thing.

When I went to school,teachers had carte blanche to administer any discipline they saw fit. Worse yet would be for any word to subsequently get back to my parents, then I would get even more punishment.

So I wonder what else could have been done in this little girl's situation. The liability is too great for anyone to take matters into their own hands.

I think the parents have more questions to answer than anyone else.
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Charges to be Dropped Against Girl That Was Handcuffed

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga - Charges will be been dropped against a 6-year-old girl that was handcuffed inside police headquarters.
The girl was accused of a violent outburst at Creekside Elementary School on Friday. Police were called to the school and an officer handcuffed the girl and brought her to headquarters.
Baldwin County School Superintendant Geneva Braziel released a statement saying, "The student's behavior included pushing several other students, running away from school staff, slamming chairs around the school office, climbing up and knocking over a bookcase, knocking pictures off the wall, scribbling over the walls and door and injuring a school employee."
According to the police report, the child was charged with simple battery and damage to school property. Milledgeville interim Police Chief Dray Swicord said the child will not be charged with any crime because of her age.
Community activists and some parents said they were appalled at the police actions.
“I just think it was wrong for her to be treated like that,” said Oscar Davis Jr., who said the school should have called a resource officer and the girl’s parents.
Officials have said they attempted to contact the girl's parents.
Although it was initially reported that she had been expelled, FOX 5 is now told that the girl was suspended and is expected to return to school on Monday.
Article from: http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/new...ainst-Girl-That-Was-Handcuffed-20120417-pm-pk