80yr old woman shot in face with arrow - pulls it out herself and places it on the table


U.S. woman shot in face by neighbor's stray arrow

(Reuters Life!) - An 80-year-old American woman who was enjoying a doughnut at her kitchen table was hit in the face by a stray arrow apparently shot by a neighbor honing his archery skills, police said on Wednesday.

The woman, great-grandmother Margaret Shofner, calmly pulled the arrow out of her jaw on Tuesday morning and put it on her table. She did not require hospitalization and wasn't sure at first what hit her.

"I pulled (the arrow) out and laid it on the table. That's when I realized what it was," said Shofner, who lives in the state of Missouri and told her story to a local television network.

"Who would have thought an arrow was going to come into your house and hit you," she added.
Her face was swollen and bruised but otherwise she was unharmed.

Police found nearby resident Robert Joiner, 26, still practicing his bow and arrow shots an hour after the incident. He was charged with second-degree assault and armed criminal action, police said.

They added that Joiner was practicing archery with a compound bow when the arrow apparently bounced off the hay bale he was aiming at and crashed through Shofner's window. He was released on $25,000 bail.

Article from: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/27/us-crime-arrow-idUSTRE76Q6QQ20110727