84-Year-Old Woman Becomes the Pepper-Sprayed Face of Occupy Seattle


Toys For Tots
84-Year-Old Woman Becomes the Pepper-Sprayed Face of Occupy Seattle


Seattle photographer Joshua Trujillo captured what may become the defining image of this week of Occupy unrest — an elderly woman being led away from the mayhem, her face covered with pepper spray. A pregnant woman and a priest were also hit with pepper spray during a march on Tuesday night. You see more photos of the confrontation at SeattlePI.com

The Seattle branch of the Occupy movement, which has been camped out near Seattle Central Community College, held the march in support of the New York camp, which faced a day long eviction battle with the city yesterday. On Monday, Occupy Oakland was the scene of another attempt by police to drive campers out of a city park. There were reports that both Occupy San Francisco and Occupy Cal (on the Berkeley campus of the University of California) are being raided on Wednesday morning. The week of police crackdown comes amid reports that the federal government and is coordinating with multiple on legal strategies that can shut down the Occupy protests.

The woman in the picture is not just any elderly woman, however, as she is well known to Seattle residents. Dorli Rainey is a former school teacher who has been active in local politics since the 1960s. In 2009, she ran for mayor, but eventually dropped out by saying, "I am old and should learn to be old, stay home, watch TV and sit still." We guess she didn't learn.

Rainey emailed The Stranger, Seattle's alternative paper, to say she stopped by the march to see what was happening when her group got pinned in by police and nearly trampled in the chaos.
This is getting out of hand. I agree with a lot of what they are saying but something else must be done to get your point across. I like camping and I hate the banking industry but start shifts to people can go home while others protest. :D Also, the police are getting out of control. Seriously, a 19yr old pregnant girl and a 84yr old woman needed to be pepper sprayed???
:pat: The dangers of someone her age having a reaction to stuff like that....and/or becoming ill as a result...could be deadly :(
Where is this all heading? Will this escalate to national guard firing on civilians again?


Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970 fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.
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I know people who were at Kent State when it happened..