9thGens - New York


Well-Known Member
Southern Ohio
Hey everyone. We just got back from another trip to Newburgh, NY to see my wife's grandmother, but this time it was so she could see our new baby. I stopped by a local dealership near our hotel and took a couple pics of what they had outside. This was a small dealership compared to some I've seen. I was really surprised at just how my Accords, 6th, 7th, and 8th generation Civics were driving around the area we were in. Actually looked like Honda made up at least 40% of the vehicles.






Our hotel was between this dealership and Orange County Choppers, so here are a couple pics, I think the Vet on the side may have been one of Paul Sr's b/c I've seen one this color in his car garage on the show. His hummer was out back and looked dead. Didn't get to make it over to Paul Jr. Designs, so no pic with Mikey this time.






I have more pics and some video from inside the retail store I'll post tomorrow.

May be the last time we're in this building b/c due to the loan issues they are foreclosing on the building. The new season of American Chopper started this past Monday and Sr. mentioned they are looking at their old building and a new location to move the headquarters. Only been there 3 years and now they're leaving b/c they can't afford it. Loans total nearly 12 million and their lawyers said it should only be worth 7-8 million, but the lender will not adjust the loan so they are allowing the building to be foreclosed. See what happens when family can't get along especially in a poor economy, another point for Jr., he's already building better bikes now OCC is losing their prized Global HQ.
Pretty wild about the occ building. That'll be such a mess, because if they really do leave... someone is going to have all that glass on the front of the building. I wonder if it's etched glass, or how that logo is applied. If some company buys it, they'd have to obviously remove it or replace all that glass?

imagine if paul jr bought it :rotfl:
lack of sleep - Another member caught it as well.
that is a Redline Orange Pearl FA5, it's not a Sunburst 9th GEN.

LOL I know it's not a 9thgen, I own an 8th and I liked this one b/c it's an SI and it was the only other Civic on the lot. They had a 9th inside but not very many Civics anywhere which was really weird.
I remember that commercial. Why that one...out of all of them? It's cool...but I dunno...
First bike Jr. built and started their popularity. Also, first bike him and Vinnie DiMartino worked on together. The arguing among the family helped the ratings but so did the one off bikes they made for businesses. Black Widow is what started it all for Jr. and he wanted it back with him. Just b/c it was the first. The bikes PJD is rolling out nowadays are much nicer and more modern.
I had no clue they had so many of the old theme bikes in their place. Crazy
just read this -

"The Snap-On Bike is valued at $181,000 according to Snap-On representatives, but I read at HarmonyCentral.com that someone who works at Snap-On says they actually invested over a $1 million for the bike and extras such as tools, etc. and it is not even theirs; they have to rent if from the Discovery Channel for promotional events."

Here's an excerpt from a post on another forum, about the Caterpillar theme bike.
((The guys I talked to on the day of the picture told me the bikes they build on the show are actually property of Discovery Channel. CAT had to pay around $250 thousand to buy out the rights to their bike, so they could actually use it as a marketing tool. ))

Discovery may just leave the bikes with OCC to display, this may be why there is theme bikes still there long after the show has aired.
yeah, the son paul jr has his own motorcycle shop.
Yeah, I wondered the bike custody thing back in 2006. Companies basically paid for the advertising exposure on the show which is why OCC has always had the bikes on display in their stores. They have made A LOT of theme bikes most of which are no longer on display, so I wonder if they are in storage or if the companies bought them outright. ??

Paul Jr. Designs is next to OCC's first location in Rock Tavern. It started out in Sr's garage/basement before moving there. Then they moved to Montgomery for years before building the HQ in 2008 in Newburgh. (I'll post pics from when we were there in 2002 & 2006 while visiting family)
I used to watch the show religiously back in the early seasons, but then the constant fighting and drama got old fast and tuned out...

On the real though I can care less over issues millionaires are having with their lives, we all have issues I'd rather worry about my own and let the rich celebrities deal with their own.