air bag light off

K24Z7 DOH!

Well-Known Member
Got a question for y'all. When I start the car, all the dashboard lights come on like they should and then go off like they should, but the passenger side airbag light goes off when know one is sitting in it. The light says airbag off, so shouldn't that light stay on when nobody is sitting there? Does this make sense?I would think the light would only go off if someone was actually sitting in passenger seat.
It'll display the "airbag off" when it detects someone in the seat that is like 65lbs or less? It explains in the manual. It essentially is saying it won't deploy the airbag because of an unsafe situation. (ie - a child in the front seat)
So you're saying it won't be on when the seat is empty but it will be on when there is a little weight on the seat? I guess that makes sense, thanks
manual -

How the Passenger Airbag Off Indicator Works

This indicator alerts you that the passenger’s front airbag has been shut off. It does not mean there is a problem with the airbag. To reduce the chance of airbagcaused injuries, the system shuts off the passenger’s front airbag when the total weight on the front passenger’s seat is about 65 lbs (30 kg) or less.

If no one is riding in the front passenger’s seat, the airbag will be automatically shut off, but the indicator will not come on. However, if the indicator comes on with no passenger in the front, or with an adult in the seat, there may be a problem with the advanced airbag system. Have the vehicle checked by the dealer as soon as possible. The Passenger Airbag Off indicator may also come on and off repeatedly if total weight on the seat is near the airbag cutoff threshold: 65 lbs or 30 kg.
