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In this new video release, "as a first step," Anonymous has called for public protests beginning on June 14th, continuing "until Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke steps down." To make their case, they have presented a list of recent scandalous Federal Reserve actions.
Important Links
As presented in the video: http://opesr.com & #OpESR:http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23OpESR
Google map of actions: http://bit.ly/kajMWv
A99 AmpedStatus Social Network Group:http://ampedstatus.org/network/groups/a99/
June 14th Economic Rebellion Update -- This Is What Decentralized Resistance Looks Like:
Acts of Resistance: What Are You Going To Do On June 14th to Rebel Against Economic Tyranny?
Original Video:
A99 Operation Empire State Rebellion - Communication #1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D6neBzTnOQ