Anonymous after fed chairman ben bernanke


Toys For Tots

In this new video release, "as a first step," Anonymous has called for public protests beginning on June 14th, continuing "until Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke steps down." To make their case, they have presented a list of recent scandalous Federal Reserve actions.

Important Links

As presented in the video: & #OpESR:!/search?q=%23OpESR

Google map of actions:

A99 AmpedStatus Social Network Group:

June 14th Economic Rebellion Update -- This Is What Decentralized Resistance Looks Like:

Acts of Resistance: What Are You Going To Do On June 14th to Rebel Against Economic Tyranny?

Original Video:

A99 Operation Empire State Rebellion - Communication #1
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today is the 14th - interesting to see if media captures footage from protests today
LulzSec Goes After More Gaming Firms, Anonymous Takes On the Fed

The hacker community was again busy Tuesday, with LulzSec targeting gaming companies like Minecraft and Eve Online, while Anonymous vowed to hit Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke.
Hacker group LulzSec said it took down the Web site for CCP Games' EVE Online as well as Minecraft and Escapist Magazine.
The group also targeted network monitoring firm FinFisher "because apparently they sell monitoring software to the government or some s**t like that," LulzSec tweeted.
EVE Online confirmed the attack. "EVE Online and related services experienced an Internet attack. We have taken them down as a security precaution," the company tweeted earlier today. "The security of your information is of upmost import to us. We will provide more info as it becomes available."
LulzSec said it "wiped out the login server for Eve Online," taking its Web site down, too.
Minecraft developer Markus Persson, meanwhile, tweeted several hours ago that it "Looks like we're back up.. I just hope it lasts!"
Escapist Magazine has not updated its Twitter feed recently; as of 5:45pm Eastern time, its Web sitewas down. Earlier, LulzSec said it was firing at Escapist "with around 0.4% of our total ammunition," and said it was going to "see what their admins are made of."
Who's next? LulzSec is asking you to choose. "Call into 614-LULZSEC and pick a target and we'll obliterate it," the group promised.
Clandestine Web group Anonymous, meanwhile, is setting its sites on some more highbrow targets. They want chairman Bernanke to resign because the government has failed us, and "it is time for us to stand up for ourselves."
"We must fight back against the organized criminal class ... We must launch 'operation Empire State rebellion.' The operation will commence on June 14th ... Operation Empire State Rebellion Engaged," Anonymous said in a blog post.
Anonymous, which has seen the arrest of several members in Spain and Turkey this week over distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, first called on Bernanke to retire in March. In a video message (below), the group claims the Federal Reserver's policies are "systematically looting the country to enrich one-tenth of one percent of the population," driving millions into poverty.
Anonymous didn't get very specific as to how Operation Empire State Rebellion will proceed, except to urge people to "occupy a public space" until Bernanke steps down.
Tomorrow, meanwhile, Anonymous is calling on users to attack at 7:30pm GMT.
For more from Chloe, follow her on Twitter @ChloeAlbanesius.
I'm game!!!

If you haven't watched the movie that came out last year called "Too Big To Fail" regarding the economic crisis and bank bailouts check it out. I don't understand why we send billions of dollars overseas when there are so many ppl in need here in our own country. :chill:

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Become a member and join us as we initiate a movement for real change.

"The Plan" 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.

PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.

*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.

*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc... spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.

*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.

*ANON hackers - begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of "The Plan".

The resistance is here.

Expect us