Anyone from upstate NY?

By upstate do you really mean upstate or just not NYC? Hahahaha everyone from the city that I know consider upstate to be anything north of westchester.

Im in syracuse and rochester mostly. Do a bit of commuting, not a lot of people up this way.

Did you go to JE?
There is a thread with a map of current user location if you want to add yourself....

There isn't much activity up this way as far I can tell. Maybe later on we can get a mini-meet up going. Occasionally Erie Blvd on saturday nights has a few car meetups. I never really liked any of the crowds down there but it was some action. When the Nationals come into syracuse in the summer a lot of cool older muscle cars show up. Total beasts that are on race slicks and everything although the police presence is ridiculous as well.

I know there is a pretty good meet in northern NJ.... It's a bit of a drive though. The northeast section has a lot of active guys in MA and surrounding area but again thats like 5 hours.

Albany has a few guys but you're still driving.
Yeah i have checked the map out. and yeah there really isnt much up this way. Just trying to see if anyone else had a 9th gen up this way. I always see a few driving around but i dont think any are on the site.