Armor All taking on Plasti-Dip


Jötunn Moderator
VIP Member
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
So with the success of Plasti-dip in the car world Armor All has apparently taken notice and decided to market a very similar product. However they are calling it a "custom shield coating" as if it is some type of armor for your car. Haha very nice "Armor All" making "Armor" for your car.

Take a look, let me know what you think. Maybe it's a little stronger than plasti but at $24.99 for one can, a roll of tape, and one MF towel? OR $16.99 for a single can! I think ill lay down multiple coats of plasti at only $7 a can. Sheesh I could coat my whole car with plasti for the cost of the AA "starter" kit.

If my experience with their detailing line is any indication.... im not expecting good results.



Im shocked that they call it "murdered out" and not blacked out either.....
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Judging from that vid, It seemed to be exactly like Plast-dip. I would stick with Plasti-dip bc it is cheaper. $24.99 is too much for a can. The Custom Shield probably smell like Armor All too. Lol.
They are a bit late to the party and with their prices I don't think that are going to win any one over from the plasti-dip crowd.
wow... trying to get a piece of plastidip
One quote from the Youtube vid.
it looks like Armorall buys plasti dip, repackages it on their label and sells it for a profit
It smells like bad medicine! :barf:

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Both cans say PD Black on the bottom. Relabel & rebranding is pretty common.

If you know the manufacturer of Chemical Guys, you can get custom labeled chemicals that are identical. Other than a couple products the entire line is "for sale."
Both cans say PD Black on the bottom. Relabel & rebranding is pretty common.

If you know the manufacturer of Chemical Guys, you can get custom labeled chemicals that are identical. Other than a couple products the entire line is "for sale."

Same thing goes for most store brand foods. It is usually nothing more than a packaging change from a well known brand to the store brand during the production run. Price difference is accounted for in the marketing costs. Direct product and manufacturing costs are usually quite small in comparison to the cost of becoming a big name through marketing.
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Sheesh I could coat my whole car with plasti for the cost of the AA "starter" kit.

If you look at the description for the murdered out package, it seems as if they are implying a single can will cover the whole car.
Or this song was released when I was born. :think:
Lol @ AA trying to play it off like they're introducing something new. "You've probably never seen this before"
Lol @ AA trying to play it off like they're introducing something new. "You've probably never seen this before"

The guy in the introduction/instructional vid doesn't seem like he knew what he was talking about.