Black chunks in clutch slave cylinder


Well-Known Member
North Dakota
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
So a little while ago I did the CDV delete and SS clutch line. When I bleed the clutch I put in a speed bleeder from and OEM fluid in as that is all I had at the moment. I got it from a Honda dealership and told the tech that I was bleeding the clutch. The tech gave me Honda MTF. I did mention that I thought it required DOT3 or 4 brake fluid and he told me no, the manual transmission fluid should be just fine. It was also free so I didn't question it any further. Since then I have noticed the clutch didn't quite feel right at times. For instance the temperature fell into the low 30s today and the clutch wouldn't engage until it was almost to the floor and when I released it, it would "pop" back. So today I decided to flush out the MTF and replace it with DOT 4 brake fluid. When I went to bleed it out I got very little fluid coming out and no matter what I did, I could not get more. I figured maybe the bleeder was faulty so I took off the slave cylinder and checked the bleeder. When I took it out little black chunks of something came out with the fluid that was in it. So my question is, did the MTF screw up something or could it just be the thread lock from the speed bleeder?
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Turns out this was very bad. The MTF is petroleum based so it swelled up all the rubber components. In short the only fix is to replace the clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder and all rubber components. Also have to thoroughly flush out the entire system. Luckily the dealership is helping to cover the cost. Feel like an idiot taking the techs word instead of following the owners manual properly.:pat:
Helping cover the cost? They should be paying for all damages since they gave you the incorrect fluid, free or not. They should know better.
Your damn lucky you wasnt bleeding your beakes. But since your "knowlegeable" enough to bleed your clutch maybe you chouldve known what type of fluid it takes since it clearly says so right on the cap?
Your damn lucky you wasnt bleeding your beakes. But since your "knowlegeable" enough to bleed your clutch maybe you chouldve known what type of fluid it takes since it clearly says so right on the cap?
I am aware of what it says on the cap and in the manual but the tech assured me that it was fine to use that fluid. Even though I questioned him about using brake fluid.

Helping cover the cost? They should be paying for all damages since they gave you the incorrect fluid, free or not. They should know better.
The dealership said that because it was after hours for their parts department the tech should not have even helped because he did not have the proper information. They are covering the labor and getting me the parts at cost. I believe it's a fair deal since it is also my fault for putting the MTF in even though, as W3RO pointed out, I should've known better.
Sorry to hear you had such an ordeal with that. The "tech" or whatever he was should not be touching cars if he doesn't know simple fluid types and difference's. Who's to say he doesn't do it on the regular to customers cars, even just topping off and mixing the wrong fluids can cause catastrophic results. Hope it all ends well for you.

Side note on DOT 3 and 4 if you don't know already, but it's perfectly safe to put DOT 4 in a DOT 3 system but NEVER put DOT 3 in a DOT 4. DOT 4 has a higher boiling point so if a DOT 4 system was replaced with DOT 3 you can potentially boil the fluid out of the line and thus laws of hydraulics no longer apply.
Basically, This employee is working for the dealer, and the dealer is responsible for what their employee's do. There for they should cover "ALL" the cost, why they're even trying to back out of parcel cost is not legal or responsible.

Just because you knew better, but took the word of the employee, is not your responsibility. What you want to do about it is up to you, maybe if it cost you something it will help you in the future.
They have been very good to me over the last 8 years that I have been doing business with them. I don't believe they are trying to back out of anything. If I thought they were then yes, I would fight it. But the cost is comparably low considering what needs to be done. I do feel that it is part my fault and have taken a very good lesson from this ordeal: check, double check and triple check.