Boot removed + Grenade knob


Well-Known Member
I was bored and like the feel of shifting with no boot so I decided to take it off. Then decided to grab a pep boys knob to switch things up... tell me what you guys think
Good way for crap to build up in the moving parts.......... Just what I think.
I'd just be thinking of dust/dirt/coins/food/drinks...whatever falling into the void. No matter how careful you are, I'd imagine something falling into there. :think:
learn how to take out your center console and front tray. that way you will be able to find anything you drop... unless that's food/drinks
no food/drinks are allowed in my car.
i'll probably get another evetually. any suggestions?
thanks for the input.
Coincidentally I have one laying in a drawer in my house just collecting dust mine as well put it to use! When the finished product is done i'll get rid of this thread and create a new one
i do like the crown royal idea, thats super funny! but(only my opinion)not feeling the grenade, i actually dont mind the carbon fiber knob tho... :)
I returned the grenade knob cause it came off when i shifted really hard into 3rd. Returned it for a plain titanium knob and I re did the bag. Made it more snug and fit.
FWIW, I have been driving without a shift boot for about a month. Everything is fine as long as you aren't moving a bunch of crap around in your car or eating all the time.
I'd think you'd want to avoid getting extra dirt/dust/debris down in there if at all possible.