Bubble artist shows off his skills


Bubble artist shows off his skills

Canadian bubble artist Fan Yang offers a glimpse into his impressive repertoire of tricks as he prepares to take his magic show to Shanghai, China.

12:01PM BST 31 May 2011

Yang, who burst onto the scene in 1992 when he set the first of his 17 Guinness world records, is taking his successful Gazillion Bubble Show to Shanghai in July.

Whilst blowing away the press with a short promotional performance, Yang promised to mark his first show in China with an attempt to match one of his records – fitting 150 people inside a single bubble.

The skilled performer – who claims to have invented his own secret seven-ingredient recipe for bubble formula – is no stranger to the cameras, he once popped up on the Oprah Winfrey Show where he managed to fit 100 people inside a soapy cylinder in 2008.