Caine's Arcade: Nine-year-old boy builds his own games arcade out of cardboard


Caine's Arcade: Nine-year-old boy builds his own games arcade out of cardboard

Spending his summer holidays at his father's car parts shop in Los Angeles, Caine Monroy applied his imagination to spare cardboard boxes.

The nine-year-old's cardboard arcade started out as a miniature basketball hoop taped to a box in the front of his father's shop in east Los Angeles.

Growing into incredible collection of attractions complete with all manner of games, prize displays, a security system involving calculators and one month fun passes, Caine's arcade came to dominate the store as his father, George Monroy, worked from the back office.

However an unfortunate lack of custom in what is an industrial section of the city seemed set to render the arcade solely Caine's play thing until a chance visit by filmmaker Nirwan Mullick.

Stopping in for a door handle for his car, Mr Mullick soon found himself paying for a $2 fun pass to play at the arcade.

"I’m playing miniature soccer, miniature basketball, and then when you score a point, [Caine] would crawl into the box and he pulls out these little tickets out of the side of the cardboard," he said.

"I was like this kid’s is a genius... I was blown away."

The animator was so taken with Caine's cardboard arcade that he asked the boy's father if he could film a short movie about it.

Mr Monroy agreed and the filmmaker soon helped to turn 'Caine's Arcade' into a fully-functioning attraction with real customers.

A flashmob organised on Facebook "went viral" according to Mr Mullick, with hundreds of punters queuing up at the arcade to play the games built from cardboard last October.

The film about Caine's Arcade, uploaded to the internet on Monday, has already been viewed over 200,000 times on YouTube and even trended on Twitter.

All the imagination and hard work that went into the arcade has also reaped long-term benefits for its young creator; Mr Mullick started a college scholarship fund for Caine with an initial target of $25,000 (£15,700).

The fund has already surpassed that figure, prompting Mr Mullick increase the target to $100,000 (£62,800).

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I think that kid is absolutely adorable and will likely go far in life if he keeps at it