Catless? Why?


Well-Known Member
Now i know people go catless for performance. After meeting two owners of 'Stangs who went catless, go out in the middle of the night, rev their engines to like 85 dB, then go back inside for no good apparent reason, I've always thought people who went catless don't give a hoot about the environment or their state's laws. I don't know what the law is in other states, but in TX, not having a cat converter is illegal and a shop could get fined up to $2000 for removing one. Is going catless really that big of a performance difference rather than just a high flow one? Maybe I'm just dumb or ignorant, but I'm here to learn.
On the 8th gen, people said it altered figures by 4-8hp. It is 100% illegal anywhere in the US to remove your cat, but it doesn't stop people from doing it. People who do it obviously want the most hp they can achieve.