Child named after Facebook?



Adrian Chen —An Israeli couple has named their newborn daughter "Like." It's unclear if Facebook was the direct inspiration for their choice, given that the father doesn't really use Facebook. But, still, pretty cruel!

The girl's father, Lior Adler, told an Israeli paper that: "I wanted something unique. At first I was looking at Chinese names, and considered the name Qing Yu Lang. But in the end, my wife responded to Like."

There's really only a couple ways Like Adler can turn out with a name like that: A) Serial killer or B) Social media expert. We're not actually sure which would be the worse outcome. [Social Times, Image via Shutterstock]
Poor little girl. She's adorable. I feel bad for the crap she's gonna have to deal with growing up. Some people should just be sterilized
This isn't in America, A first name of Like just sounds different in Israel, it's a unique name , why would anyone make fun of it? Have you seen some other (albeit typical) Israeli names, they sound funky as **** here in the states but are completely normal there.

My uncle's name is Meir (pronounced like Mayor), he comes here and everyone ***** with him because his name is Mayor, but over there it's a normal name..

just my .02
The article says Israeli couple. There are Israeli couples in the states and in which case a name like that would be made fun of by people who don't know better. The article also never says how it's actually an Israeli name. Then again the media hardly does it's homework for the articles they write so I shouldn't have expected much
Further research:

1. The couple is infact in israel
2. The couple used the Hebrew word for Like, much like some women are named Ahava (Love)
3. The couple has other children, two other daughters named Pie and Vash, the latter being Hebrew for “honey.”
I'm not sure what Pie means, I can ask my dad.