Christmas wish list 2012


Toys For Tots

Latest survey showing what kids want for christmas 2012.

In a separate survey of (presumably) adults, Reuters found that one third of U.S. consumers were thinking of buying a tablet this holiday season. Amongst those who wanted a tablet, the iPad was again the most popular with 25% of respondents planning to purchase one. Second and third place went to the Kindle (15%) and Samsung (15%) tablets. Finally, Apple's new iPad mini came in at 8% amongst respondents.

...what's on your wish list? :tree:
The prices of many things on that list are expensive, especially for a young child. IMO, kids' expectations are unrealistic, and parents who buy their children any of those items, are making poor decisions.
Speaking of expensive unrealistic expectations, I would like Kenny's GS for Xmas. :D

If I had a kid, I'd buy him/her a musical instrument. If he/she plays it fluently, I'd reward a game or so. Lol.
Kids are crazy :P

Not sure that there is anything I specifically want for Christmas as I'm getting so much for the wedding as it is.
The only fun thing I can think of is some of the new Christmas LEGO sets :rotfl: