Cigarette Burn Hole on Passenger Seat


East SF Bay Area, California
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
Like a fool, I smoked in my car for the first time and the cherry on my cigarette fell onto my passenger seat and burned a hole. I rarely ever smoke, and with the addition of my clumsiness I made this big mistake. I have ordered a replacement OEM seat cover from Honda. What I was wondering and hoping for would be someone on this site who knows how to disassemble seats and remove and replace seat covers to give me some pointers, as I hope to do this myself and save some money on manual labor.

By the way, my car is the 2012 Civic Si, and there is no damage other than to the seat cover (the foam cushion is fine).

Thank you for your time and advice in advance,

I remember when I had my 8th some lady cut me off and in the midst of the action my ENTIRE cigarette fell and landed between my legs. It burned a hole about the size of a freaking quarter..I vowed to never smoke inside of my 9th and so far never have. For the seat covers I have no idea, but if I remember correctly isnt there like a zipper around the seat? Maybe its as easy as unzipping the actual cover and it comes off but Honda takes pleasure in making everything hard so I highly doubt itll be that easy. I'm sure someone here can help out. Welcome to the forum btw.
Maybe smoking an e-cig is better when driving. It keeps the car from smelling like smoke.
Having done some upholstery in my younger years , usually there is a reinforcement on the edge of the material that can either be stapled , or cord drawn, haven't seen any with zippers though.
The Si may not use the plastic clips to hold the seat skin on like the LX/EX models, they may use hog rings which in some ways are easier to work with but harder to source replacement rings. If this is the case you can use a pair of pliers to very carefully open the original rings in order to remove the skin, you should then be able to use a set of hog ring pliers to re use and close the rings during reinstallation
I remember when I had my 8th some lady cut me off and in the midst of the action my ENTIRE cigarette fell and landed between my legs. It burned a hole about the size of a freaking quarter..I vowed to never smoke inside of my 9th and so far never have. For the seat covers I have no idea, but if I remember correctly isnt there like a zipper around the seat? Maybe its as easy as unzipping the actual cover and it comes off but Honda takes pleasure in making everything hard so I highly doubt itll be that easy. I'm sure someone here can help out. Welcome to the forum btw.

I'll have to check in the morning but I do seem to remember there being a zipper on the back of the Si seats. Maybe it is as easy as that to remove them.