Dad posts Youtube video shooting daughters laptop to teach her lesson


Dad posts Youtube video shooting daughters laptop to teach her lesson
A 15-year-old girls puts up a Facebook post bashing her parents for making her work too hard, and her dad reacts by posting a video response to her grievances.
Maybe NSFW: Mild Language

From youtube:
Warning: Since this video seems to have gone crazy, I figure I'll post this notice. I'm going to read a letter my 15 year old daughter wrote. There ARE some curse words in it. None of them are incredibly bad, but they are definitely things a little kid shouldn't hear... not to mention things MY KID shouldn't say!
If you want to see the original Facebook thread, it's located at:

My daughter thought it would be funny/rebellious/cool to post on her Facebook wall just how upset she was and how unfair her life here is; how we work her too hard with chores, never pay her for chores, and just in general make her life difficult.

She chose to share this with the entire world on Facebook and block her parent's from seeing it. Well, umm... she failed. As of the end of this video, she won't have to worry anymore about posting inappropriate things on Facebook...

Maybe a few kids can take something away from this... If you're so disrespectful to your parents and yourself as to post this kind of thing on Facebook, you're deserving of some tough love. Today, my daughter is getting a dose of tough love.

Post by him on his facebook wall:
HOW SHE GOT CAUGHT: The Dog Did It.. no, really.

I finally came out and told her this today, partly because it was too funny NOT to share.

When my daughter made her post, she used Facebook's privacy settings to block "Family" and "Church" friend's lists. All her other friends could see it. We, of course could not.

One of our dogs is always getting in photos and therefore has her own Facebook pa
ge. It's just a cute dumb thing we did for fun. Well, the dog's profile is rarely used except when funny pictures of her are posted. Since that's not too often, and she has very few friends on Facebook, her wall is kind of bare, with relatively few posts showing up on it.

The other night we gave the dog a bath and there was a funny photo we uploaded to Facebook and tagged her in. I logged in as the dog the next morning to comment on the photo. However when I logged into the dog's profile, my daughter had forgotten to add her to the "family" list.... so our family dog's profile showed her post right there on the front page.

It wasn't any parent-hacking, computer spying, or monitoring of any kind.. the dog actually ratted her out completely by accident. She hasn't petted that dog all day today...
I love blasting stuff, and own firearms.

I just think donating or giving the laptop to someone who could have used it, or really needed it would have been better.

IMO, being senseless and wasteful did not set a good example.
especially since he just dumped money in it - if it was a working laptop without issue...seems he could have given it to someone - agreed
Yeah, I agree he should have given it to someone who really needed it. A young kid in school that needs it badly...or a family that doesn't have a computer.
If he wanted to still shoot it and prove the point that bad he could have bought a laptop shell online just like hers for cheap and shot it and no one would have been the wiser...
Kudos to the over the top with the laptop shooting but damn that girl must be crying oceans right now....I didnt even have a phone until after NAVY boot camp.....I had 30mins every 3 days to play video games and 1hr each day to play outside my own house when I was 15, my sisters had it nice.....and this new generation has really gotten lazy...
If you read his facebook wall...apparently she's doing fine and told him to shoot her phone in another video since she won't be allowed to use it.
He also won't go on any talk shows. People told him to auction off the bullets or w/e and he said he'd only do it if it went to her college fund. That's when the phone came up...but she doesn't want her thinking it's good to make money off of people's misfortune/embarrassment
maybe the daughter will sell the dog that ratted her out.