Dark Knight Rises - Batman Ramblers Driving Around Pittsburgh


Toys For Tots


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More about them > http://www.topspeed.com/cars/car-news/the-batmobile-from-batman-begins-ar58526.html

That Batmobile is real and it looks like the child of a Lamborghini and a Hummer. The model used for the movie had to stand up to several standards: a speed of over 100 mph, go from 0 to 60 mph in 5 seconds, possess a steering system to make sharp turns at city corners, and to withstand a self-propelled launch of up to 30 feet. The basic configuration of the car included a 5.7-liter Chevy V8 engine, a truck axle for the rear axle, front racing tires by Hoosier, rear 4x4 mud tires by Interco., and the suspension system of Baja racing trucks. Four street-ready race cars were constructed, with each vehicle possessing 65 carbon fiber panels and costing $250,000 each to build. Two of the four cars were specialized versions. One version was the flap version, which had hydraulics and flaps to detail the close-up shots where the vehicle propelled itself through the air. The other version was the jet version, in which an actual jet engine was mounted onto the vehicle, fueled by six propane tanks. Due to the poor visibility inside the vehicle by the driver, monitors were connected to cameras on the vehicle body.

Length: 15 ft
Width: 9.33 ft. broad
Weight: 2.5 tons
Acceleration: 0-60 mph in 5.3 seconds. Under full acceleration, the car could actually rise up on its front "legs" while the front wheels stayed planted on the ground creating an effect like a giant spider.
Maximum Speed: 110 mph (in the movie the car should reach 266 mph)
Engine: 350-cubic-inch Chevy engine capable of 500 horsepower. 340-horsepower General Motors V8 engine. The jet engine and vector controls could jump up to 6 feet vertically and 40 feet horizontally.
Fuel: The "jet engine" on the back of the car was fed by propane tanks.
Tires: Super swampers tires standing 44 inches tall (via titanium axles).
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I just want a Christian Bale.
I wish there was a dislike for this... you seriously like him? Did you hear his blowup while filming another movie ?

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I think she will play her part really well. I didn't think Heath Ledger was going to be that great as Joker, but I was amazed.
Lol...how embarrassed was she after doing that?