Driver's side high beam question


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Is it normal for the 2014-15 coupe headlights to point the driver's side high beam significantly higher (aiming toward the sky/trees practically) than the passenger's side? Honestly this is a question I would usually just troubleshoot and answer myself but I was just wondering if anyone else has some input before I look into it more. I am 99.9996% sure the bulb is seated properly as I had pondered this question previously when I upgraded the bulbs and made sure the fit was right. I know the location of the low beam adjustment.. I am unaware whether or not there is one for the high beams, and I know most housings now just integrate both low and high adjustments into the one.

To clarify what is happening.. I shall draw a picture:


This some sort of safety feature to not ultra-blind oncoming drivers? Issue with the high beam housing itself? Go back to fiddling with the bulb and see if my percentage is off? Thoughts?
I don't have one to test, but I really check that the bulb is not seated improperly. I don't think I've ever seen a car have the high beam like that
Swap the bulbs L to R and see if that changes anything. Then you'll know if its the way the bulb is seated or if its the bulb itself. Start with the easy to test stuff and go from there. The pic is great. Definitlely clear about what issue your having.
I will try out a couple of things tonight when it gets darker out and let you know what happens. Thanks for the feedback!