Drug trafficker with twelve fingers identified by his hands


Drug trafficker with twelve fingers identified by his hands

An man accused of being a drug trafficker was detained by police after they confirmed his identity through a rare birth defect: six fingers on each hand.


The hands were the key to capturing the wanted man Photo: AFP

11:13PM BST 04 May 2011

Police in Brazil's southern state of Santa Catarina said his hands were the key to capturing the wanted man.

"We had indications that it was him, but because he presented his brother's papers as identification we had no proof," said police commissioner Enio de Oliveira Matos.

"Given this peculiarity, we requested information from the Institute of Identification in the state of Parana, where he was born, and with this feature, it was possible to confirm his identity."

The detained man had been wanted for drug trafficking in the state of Mato Grosso.
Ahh, I have to post the pics of another bust similar to this later. Memory lane