Fast 5 - 4.29.11


Toys For Tots
Who's going to see it?

what are your expectations? Have you seen all the previous fast movies?
Are you asking me on a movie date? :blushes:

:giggle: I'm sure I will see it once it gets to the TV channels. I went to the theaters for 1 of them back in the day.
unfortunately, i have seen them ALL in theaters at one point or another.
(and rather embrassingly, i own all of them except the more recent "Fast & Furious" on DVD)

my buddy Nick is having a bday celebration w/ dinner and a movie this Friday. his bday is Thursday. so, guess which movie he picked on his Facebook event page? yuup... Fast 5 is it.

i'm sure it will be enjoyable, but quite laughable and mockable too. hot bishes and a handful of nice rides are expected as always... and the rest will be quickly forgotten and labeled rice. :p
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Fast 5 spoiler alert in french from universal. 3:44 seconds long.

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According to Hollywood Reporter, the movie raked in $83.6 million over the weekend, easily giving the fifth installment of the franchise the top opening weekend of all the Fast and Furious flicks to date. The movie fared especially well at 243 Imax theaters nationwide, with sales of $8.3 million. The blockbuster film also hit the jackpot overseas, with $45 million in receipts.
the movie was great. i thoroughly enjoyed myself and the 15 or so ppl i was with said the same. we were shocked how good it ended up. can't wait to see what's cookin' for the 6th installment.

"Do you believe in ghosts...?" :rotfl:
was there any point in the movie where he was cookin'?

hahaha... so winning isn't winning?