Favorite Bands You've Seen In Concert


Toys For Tots
So, I know there are a number of music fans on the forum. What shows have you seen which stand out as your favorites?

Doesn't matter what kind of music, or how long ago it was.... who put on a great show?
I saw Guster last year in Baltimore they were touring with some other band i thought sucked but Guster was awesome.

They're actually the only concert ive paid to go to, ive heard others, usually from just outside the venue in the back of a pickup truck. I also am kicking myself that i lived for over 4 years 30 min away from Saratoga Performing Arts Center and never once thought to go see Dave Matthews Band when they came to town
Beach boys
Starship/Jefferson airplane
Def leppard
Martina mcbride
Toby Keith

'11 WRX (30k mi) & '99 2.3CL (40k mi)
Few of the good ones....

A few country bands, don't remember which thou..

I have tickets to see Blue Man Group in July and I have trying to see them for years now...
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Blue man seems like it'd be cool. I've seen some recordings online of theirs.
Oh i forgot about Blue Man Group, theyre a concert and a show, huge fun
The best concert I've seen was Neil Young in Cleveland at the Coliseum in 1983. He was all by himself, nobody else, no Crazy Horse. He was amazing.
Best ones were Flyleaf, Paper Tongues, Vertical Horizon which were all at small venues. Dave Matthews was good too. Saw Incubus at a park even but had to stand on a 55gal drum to enjoy it.