For those that have knocking noise while turning.


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma City, Ok
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
There are many different things that can cause knocking when it comes to suspension. This example that I'm about elaborate on is only ONE of them.

I was feeling really beat and exhausted by the time i finished up my coilover installation and didn't tighten everything all the way. At first glance everything looked as it was supposed to, but i soon after realized that my sway bar endlink looked a little out of place. Here is what was wrong with mine and how it can be corrected.

I'm not an expert and I don't know everything there is to know, so bare with me here and throw in anything I might have missed for this particular situation. Thanks everyone and I hope this saves someone some time and maybe even damages.

THESE PICTURES ARE EXPLAINED AS IF IT WAS FOR A CHILD (Just makes everything simple and keep the noobies in the loop. Also those who don't know much and are afraid to come out and say it in fear of looking stupid).

This is a picture of what my set up looked like when i took the wheel off. This is NOT what you want.

It will cause problems, and I was very lucky that the endlink ball joint didn't pop out of it's socket. Mine actually started scraping away at the inside lip of my wheel. I fixed it before any real damage was done.

This is what you wanna see when you're all done adjusting everything and DON'T FORGET TO LOCK IT DOWN TIGHT!!!

OH AND ANOTHER THING I FORGOT TO MENTION/TAKE PICTURES OF: THERE IS A ALAN HEAD BOLT ON THE ENDLINK HOLDER THAT NEEDS TO BE TIGHTENED TO PREVENT IT FROM SPINNING. THE BOTTOM RING ON THE STRUT WILL PREVENT THE ENTIRE STRUT FROM SPINNING!!! If anyone thinks that's unclear or could explain it in a simpler way, please do and again this is only ONE of many many things that could be causing knocking.

Hope it helps!
Good info. I hope this helps everyone else having a a similar issue.
Ill have to give that a look, i had some trouble with my swaybar recently. Thanks for sharing!
thanks for taking the time to do the pics/writeup
Yeah i got really lazy towards the end and didn't really tighten everything down as tight as i should have. They've been on for about 1.5 months and that was the last strut i installed. Guess it just decided to finally let go. I had my phone on me when i jacked it up and looked at it so I decided what the hell... might as well post a few pictures and save someone else some troubleshooting time.